2326 Lonnecker Drive, Garland, TX 75041.
Telephone: +1 (972) 840-0364     E-mail: cs@onapolymers.com  


About Us

Ona Polymers, LLC is an innovative manufacturer of water-based emulsions for the coatings, adhesives, and graphic arts industries, selling under the brand names “Dura Pro” and “Ona”.

Incorporated in 2006, Ona Polymers initially offered the highly regarded and popular line of DuraPro polymers under license from Dural of Dorval, Canada. We have since broadened our portfolio to offer a full range of general and specialty grade polymers based on Vinyl Acrylic, Acrylic, and Styrenated Acrylic chemistries.

We are committed to helping our customers win in their markets by offering consistent and exceptional products that not only exceed the standards of the industries we serve, but also set new standards.